Monday, September 27, 2010

The Center of the "Wonderball"

Sometimes even in the ministry I believe I forget to love. Getting caught up in all thats going on, you know like with all the programs starting up, coming up with creative ideas or new strategies, getting things ready, getting the work done, even when reading the word or praising and worshiping God, or pray and in fellowship with one another, trying and help each other by listening and giving advice, but even though all thats going on and it seems well enough, sometimes I forget to simply love. Its the biggest thing, but the easiest to forget and its so easily drowned by "life..." even though thats what we're living for. I hope that makes sense...
Well, forget advice and thinking I'm helping or doing something good, forget the creative ideas and the strategy plans, the only strategy that I hope to live by is simply loving. You can have everything, you can be the most righteous person, you could be blessed beyond belief or have every gift, but without love you have nothing...
"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." 1 Corinthians 13:3
God's love is the most powerful and effective thing, love is what changes everything.
"God is Love" 1 John 4:16
Thats what we need.... Thats what everyone is looking for, its what this world is longing for...
This desperate world is crying out for help, its crying out for mercy, kindness, the love that only God can give...
Father doesn't want me or us to give the world empty actions, empty hopes, He wants to bless us and love on us and hold us close to His heart. He wants us to show and demonstrate his love, to fill all the holes with His endless love. He wants to feed us, cloth us, help us, heal us, He wants to pour fourth limitless, ceaseless, bottomless love to each and every person, regardless of any circumstance, Father is no respecter of persons, He loves all and "gives to all generously and without reproach" James 1:5. He holds all dear to His heart, Jesus showed us love not caring who they are or what they did, He just sees each and every person as His precious child.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
Jesus did that and He calls us to be His friends...
I don't want to be an empty shell... Someone who tells people about the love of God, someone who does the "good works" or whatever, I don't care about that junk, its important but its empty without love, love needs to be in the center of it all, the reason for doing it. I just want to be as a "daughter of the King" (like my sister Raych Devore puts it) I want to be the daughter thats so full of Gods love that its just overflowing and pouring out to everyone, someone who doesn't only talk about the love but someone who acts with love, one who genuinely loves people.
As Heidi Baker says "We lay our lives down for love, and we give our lives away. We cannot just live with our words. Love is in truth and in our actions."
"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..." 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Jesus never withholds mercy and always extends kindness.
I hope to be transformed by him more and more and more and more. To be uniting with my Daddy, God in loving on his precious children. I desire to have a heart in-sink with His, to see with His eyes, and to love in all His ways.
Everyone needs to know, believe and receive the Truth that "He loves us."
Not like a Wonderball, you know the song from the commercial "oh I wonder wonder wonder whats in a wonderball, shell of nestle chocolate and candy shapes inside." In this case, we're the vessel full of God's love, only I hope people don't wonder whats inside us, but that they know its Jesus! Haha (as cheesey as it all sounds, its so true)

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