Thursday, November 17, 2011

Love for the Church

No matter how much I tried to convince myself other wise I realize how much I've had distain for the church, the people who run them and the people who participate in them. l was guilty for pushing the church away and being on guard when I walk in one. I realized that I had to forgive because it was affecting myself, others and my relationship with God, its a hindering thing and holds back from the full potential of loving. "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and handed Himself over to it." Eph. 5:25 Jesus Loves the church so much that He gives Himself up to her, how beautiful of our God. I forgave the ones that hurt me, I don't remember how I was wronged, "Love holds no record of wrong" 1 Cor. 13 Laying down my wrongs and my precious little rights. Love will cost you everything and its a joy to do so. =]

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lack of Knowledge

I've come to understand that stress and worry come from the lack of knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we get to know Him and the Truth of how extremely great and powerful His love for us is then we begin to trust Him and let go of control, we then lean on Him and less on ourselves.


"Every day I'm humbled by how much I still have to learn" - Neccia Porter. You know, I really felt that within my heart, but to its fullest extent I did not know until the author of humility had met with me. The Key to Humility is Obedience...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pawns Used by the Lies

You can't demonize people, when you realize they're all but victims, pawns caught in the lies of satan.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Christ in "Me"

All I hope to be is "no longer I but Christ in me" but maybe we depend too much on finding and seeing Him in people that we damage the purity of who He really is, because as much as I'd like to be like Him there's no way that an infinite being can be contained in our lil bodies, haha. But I do wish to get out of His way so His strength is revealed in my weakness. Kinda makes it a little less stressful, when you just lean on Him instead of striving to be Him. =D

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Truly Caring

I think sometimes we can make it to where we feel like people are our responsibility, but I don't think thats how it works. We shouldn't be operating out of guilt and feeling bad for people, cause in the end when we work like that, we actually aren't doing anyone any favors. When it comes down to it, its all about having such a great compassion and heart for people, you genuinely care about the person, being compelled purely by love. When you truly love people thats when a difference is being made. No one wants to be a project...

Friday, May 13, 2011


The only thing that separates us from God is ourselves, our choice to be separated from Him. Though we'll never be separated from His love.