Monday, February 13, 2012

Marionette with Strings on the Inside.

I had a vision last night; God placed His heart into my body, it was a huge heart too big to fit in my body if i had all my organs, but I was empty so He placed his heart in my body and it was beating, beating in an irregular rhythm. I saw His giant heart in my empty and transparent body, then strings started to attach from the inside of my body, my mind was attaching to the heart, my arms and legs were all attaching to His heart, I became like a marionette puppet only instead of like a puppet attached to the master on the outside, my strings were attached to His heart on the inside of myself. With strings on the inside attached to His heart it brings life and makes going anywhere and every where possible without anyone being able to cut those strings. Every string thats attached is a surrendered string, one that I've surrendered to Him and placed Him in control of. Well, I want Him to posses my whole body- "God attach every string of my being to the heart that beats in You, I surrender and ask that You fully posses me." Most people are scared of the idea of God controlling them, but honestly I'm more scared if He doesn't.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Key to Being Fed

"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work." (John 4:34) Jesus told me "If you want to be filled, if you want to eat my food then do My will and finish My work." In order to eat from a harvest one must plant a crop, in order to grow a crop one must sow. We find Him when we seek Him, but we get fed by doing His will and finishing His work. "He who sows in tears, reaps joy." (Psalm 126:5) I love weeping, I love being broken at the feet of Jesus. I love it. Everytime after I've been on the floor for who knows how long, when I get up I am filled with joy and peace engulfs me. People don't sow heavenly tears so they don't reap heavenly joy. Start sowing! Do His will! Finish His work! Sow Heaven to earth! If you want your hungry belly to be filled, if you want to eat of the Kingdom of Heaven, then start sowing. Jesus continued by saying "The more you want Me, the more you'll love them." He was saying, the more you hunger for Me, the more desperate you are for Me, the more you desire nothing else but Me is the more that you'll begin to sow, the more you'll sow Love to people, the more you so My Love by doing My will, the more you'll reap My Love and more of Me. When you want nothing else but God, you care about nothing else but doing His will, whatever it looks like because you just want Him. Love will be sown and we will eat of His Love.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Collection of Revelation

My happiness can't die, because my God lives forever.

Who are we anyway? A personality, behavior, delights, the way we think, our heart? People change, you can't define something that changes, so then we are nothing but an ever-changing existence? God is the only one who never changes, who's always the same, and how we can safely place our lives in His hands because of that security. So then, we literally are like clay, something unformed until the potter comes, depending on who we allow to be our potter that defines the forms we take. We are never who we make ourselves to be, we are but a will that allows surrender to the potters who form us. Only God makes "fearfully and wonderfully made" works of beauty.

The world makes fun of "Christians" for them being able to exploit us for money. Yeah, well we don't care about your money, haha.

If you want to see Jesus face to face, then maybe you've got to turn around.

May my ugliness bring out You beauty Jesus. We are in such great need of You.

I never thought before that wanting to be the one who does things behind the scenes was pride. "Let YOUR light shine before men, that they may see YOUR good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16 Lets shine so that we can glorify God. "i will become even more undignified than this, and i will be humiliated in my own eyes." 2 Samuel 6:22

"prayer is not to change the mind of God but to change the heart of man" - David Hernandez

Sometimes you have to look like a fool for the sake of the other person

The moon reflects the sun to bring vision and light to the Earth, but like us lets not let the world's shadow over come and cast out light we reflect from The Son

God's promises aren't for us to remind Him and keep Him accountable, they're to remind us of His character, to hold on to and trust Him

"I'm very happy because I'm very in Love" - Heidi Baker

The righteous by faith in Christ do not have ups and downs because they trust in God and He is stable, a Rock to His bride. "The path of the righteous is level; O upright One, you make the way of the righteous smooth." Isaiah 26:7

Jesus asked me "Do you really believe in me?" then I started seeing what the difference in actually believing in God looked like, the sick were healed, the poor fed and clothed. If people really believed like they say they do then why don't we go, go to the sick and release the healing will of God. If we believe Jesus then we must believe all He says is true. So do we really believe Him?...

How long have you been waiting? Forgive and be released from the chains of this suffering. Lay down your rights and your precious little wrongs, justice doesn't heal wounds. Lose your pride so you can win your freedom. Let go from holding on the record of wrong, so that Love can prosper. Be wise in every situation you walk into, but don't hold back love from anyone. Unforgiveness hurts everyone, including yourself.

Can't do anything, can't change myself, can't think, can't come up with something out of nothing, can't live, can't love, I don't even own the breaths I take. Its all God, he's the one that does everything, It's His power that changes me, He's the creator that all things originate, He is the very essence of love and its His breath that gives life. So what am I? What power do I have? I can't change myself so how can I change the world? I am nothing but an object of Love, created by God Himself. God chose to give us His power, His love, His breath, but no matter how much I claim it as my own, it never was and never will be of myself. What can the created create that wasn't from the original creator? Well, its all from Him and Him alone. The only thing I'll ever be able to do is choose. Choose to accept His power, choose to accept His love, choose to take His breath, choose to be in a partnership with Him. Even my own choice was an undeniable one, how could I say no to the most beautiful and loving thing? How could I say no to my hearts desires? Why would I want to? Either way, I'm but an object of love, designed for love, to be loved and love back what an amazing, pure and perfect purpose. May I carry Your glory to the ends of the earth and never touch it.

Looking to be loved by people will never satisfy, because most people don't know God and to not know God is to not know Love, "God is Love." If you want Love, you can only go to God. Thats our purpose, why we were created, by Love to be Loved and Love back. You can only give what you have received.

Jesus died so that we could have His life, if we want His life then we have to lose ours to pick up His. Can't have both or we become like the double-minded man, its one or the other. He wants His bride to be fully committed and faithful to Him.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Love for the Church

No matter how much I tried to convince myself other wise I realize how much I've had distain for the church, the people who run them and the people who participate in them. l was guilty for pushing the church away and being on guard when I walk in one. I realized that I had to forgive because it was affecting myself, others and my relationship with God, its a hindering thing and holds back from the full potential of loving. "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and handed Himself over to it." Eph. 5:25 Jesus Loves the church so much that He gives Himself up to her, how beautiful of our God. I forgave the ones that hurt me, I don't remember how I was wronged, "Love holds no record of wrong" 1 Cor. 13 Laying down my wrongs and my precious little rights. Love will cost you everything and its a joy to do so. =]

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lack of Knowledge

I've come to understand that stress and worry come from the lack of knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we get to know Him and the Truth of how extremely great and powerful His love for us is then we begin to trust Him and let go of control, we then lean on Him and less on ourselves.


"Every day I'm humbled by how much I still have to learn" - Neccia Porter. You know, I really felt that within my heart, but to its fullest extent I did not know until the author of humility had met with me. The Key to Humility is Obedience...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pawns Used by the Lies

You can't demonize people, when you realize they're all but victims, pawns caught in the lies of satan.