Monday, February 13, 2012

Marionette with Strings on the Inside.

I had a vision last night; God placed His heart into my body, it was a huge heart too big to fit in my body if i had all my organs, but I was empty so He placed his heart in my body and it was beating, beating in an irregular rhythm. I saw His giant heart in my empty and transparent body, then strings started to attach from the inside of my body, my mind was attaching to the heart, my arms and legs were all attaching to His heart, I became like a marionette puppet only instead of like a puppet attached to the master on the outside, my strings were attached to His heart on the inside of myself. With strings on the inside attached to His heart it brings life and makes going anywhere and every where possible without anyone being able to cut those strings. Every string thats attached is a surrendered string, one that I've surrendered to Him and placed Him in control of. Well, I want Him to posses my whole body- "God attach every string of my being to the heart that beats in You, I surrender and ask that You fully posses me." Most people are scared of the idea of God controlling them, but honestly I'm more scared if He doesn't.

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