Monday, January 23, 2012

The Key to Being Fed

"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work." (John 4:34) Jesus told me "If you want to be filled, if you want to eat my food then do My will and finish My work." In order to eat from a harvest one must plant a crop, in order to grow a crop one must sow. We find Him when we seek Him, but we get fed by doing His will and finishing His work. "He who sows in tears, reaps joy." (Psalm 126:5) I love weeping, I love being broken at the feet of Jesus. I love it. Everytime after I've been on the floor for who knows how long, when I get up I am filled with joy and peace engulfs me. People don't sow heavenly tears so they don't reap heavenly joy. Start sowing! Do His will! Finish His work! Sow Heaven to earth! If you want your hungry belly to be filled, if you want to eat of the Kingdom of Heaven, then start sowing. Jesus continued by saying "The more you want Me, the more you'll love them." He was saying, the more you hunger for Me, the more desperate you are for Me, the more you desire nothing else but Me is the more that you'll begin to sow, the more you'll sow Love to people, the more you so My Love by doing My will, the more you'll reap My Love and more of Me. When you want nothing else but God, you care about nothing else but doing His will, whatever it looks like because you just want Him. Love will be sown and we will eat of His Love.

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