Thursday, November 17, 2011

Love for the Church

No matter how much I tried to convince myself other wise I realize how much I've had distain for the church, the people who run them and the people who participate in them. l was guilty for pushing the church away and being on guard when I walk in one. I realized that I had to forgive because it was affecting myself, others and my relationship with God, its a hindering thing and holds back from the full potential of loving. "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and handed Himself over to it." Eph. 5:25 Jesus Loves the church so much that He gives Himself up to her, how beautiful of our God. I forgave the ones that hurt me, I don't remember how I was wronged, "Love holds no record of wrong" 1 Cor. 13 Laying down my wrongs and my precious little rights. Love will cost you everything and its a joy to do so. =]

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